On Saturday 20th January 2024, a whole host of people gathered with us to celebrate the official launch of our workshop at Brougham Hall.

Amanda & I (Nathan) invited friends, family and other key figures that have been journeying alongside us with our creative endeavors. These people have championed us, encouraged us, supported us and have generally been cheerleaders of our work within the craft industry, from our base in Cumbria.
So we asked them to come along, to celebrate with us, the new home and base of operations for both Noble Roots and ASCENT. Here at Brougham Hall, we have a workshop and retail space for anyone to come and visit.
We are so thankful for the love that we have been shown and for the great amount of people that are behind us and for us. We can't thank everyone enough.
A special thanks to @fellandbean for the most delicious cakes and mulled cider on the day. Cairn O'Mohr Real Fruit Wines is always our choice for a special bottle of sparkling elderflower, perfect for all celebrations.